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President Li Xiaolin...
President Li Xiaolin Meets with Senegalese First Lady Marième SALL
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President Li Xiaolin met with Mme. Marième SALL, First Lady of Senegal at the CPAFFC on Feb. 20.

Li warmly greeted the First Lady and her entourage and joyfully recalled the scenario that she met with President Sall during her visit to Senegal in 2012. She also introduced the CPAFFC and CFFPD to the guests,and emphasized that their core mission is to enhance the mutural understanding and friendship between Chinese and foreigners. She said that we were willing to promote the exchange with people from all walks of life in Senegal, and to undertake cooperation with “Serve Senegal”- a fund under the leadership of the First Lady. To show our support for the charity career of the fund, we will provide a donation of USD50,000 for improving the educational and medical conditions of the vulnerable layers in Senegal.


The First Lady sincerely thanked Li for the meeting, particularly for the donation. She appreciated the long-term dedication of the CPAFFC on the China-Senegal friendship. She said that “Serve Senegal” aimed at providing support to the poors of Senegal. She wished to get support from people from all walks of life home and abroad. This visit would enable them to learn and use the rich experience of China on charity for reference, and to establish the long-term and close cooperation with the CPAFFC.

After the meeting, Li hosted a luncheon for the First Lady and her entourage.

Vice President Feng Zuoku was present at the meeting and the luncheon.
